A man working out on a street

Fitness & Nutrition for SURVIVAL

Fit to Survive: Master Your Environment with Strength and Nutrition

You can do anything you put your mind to. Shot of a young woman practicing yoga in the studio.

Meditation & Mudras For Enhanced Vibration & Healing

Elevate Your Essence: Embrace Meditation & Mudras for Raising Your Qi and Vibrational Healing

Boxers fighting in gym

Martial Arts & Self Defense Program

Urban Warrior: Empower Your Defense with Advanced Urban Martial Arts

Two men fighting with sticks in the woods

Close Quarters Combat Weapons

Primal Force: Mastering Knife, stick and flash light combat for self defense.

Sports archer, target and bow and arrow training for archery competition, athlete challenge or girl

Fire Arms & Archery Program

Precision & Power: Mastering Firearms and Archery for Ultimate Accuracy"

Couple of campers lighting a fire while setting up the camp tent

Camping & Off The Grid Survival

Wilderness Living: Mastering Camping & Off-The-Grid Survival for when shtf

The urban warrior survival club

Learn how to survive in the matrix, until you can learn to thrive off the grid.

The world is changing at a rapid pace. Whether it’s the fall of the American dollar, food plants burning down, or the planet heating up because of the 5D shift. Don’t get caught off guard! Join the Urban Warrior community and meet other like minded spiritual street soldiers. Here we’re reconnecting with nature, and develop skill that will allow us to be less reliant on the system, and be more self reliant.

The Urban Warrior Survival Club gets you ready to survive apocalyptic events, and teaches you everything you need to know about how to survive in the matrix we call society. You’ll also learn new skills that will allow you to thrive living off the grid, living off the land in harmony with nature. 

As a personal protection trainer I’ll be using a combination of martial arts, boxing and body weight training. With the goal to get you to a healthy weight, so you can operate as a high level athlete. Improve your cardio, so you can travel long distances, or run from any threat that chases you. Improve your strength, so if you have to hold your ground you’ll have a fighting chance. I’ll help you improve your range of motion to help reduce future injuries. Finally, you’ll learn the basic of self-defense, so you’ll be able to protect yourself and loved ones.



Here’s what other club members have to say.

"Fantastic survival program! Covers it all from fitness to close-quarters combat. Instructors like Brody are engaging and practical. Highly recommend! - Alex W."
Alex W
"Life-changing skills! Archery, self-defense, wilderness survival - it's the whole package. Instructors, especially Brody, are top-notch. A must-try for boosted preparedness. - Emily G."
Emily G
Impressed with this survival program! Brody, the instructor, is fantastic. From nutrition to meditation, it's comprehensive. Intense and empowering close-quarters combat. - Max T.
Max T
"Top-notch survival education! Fitness, archery, self-defense - it's spot on. Instructors like Brody create a positive atmosphere. Feeling more confident and capable. - Jake S."
Jake S
Fantastic survival journey! Covers nutrition to close-quarters combat. Instructors, led by Brody, are dedicated. A must for serious preparedness. - Chloe M.
Chloe M


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B.Roc Survival Inc.

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